Aquatic Therapy in Nigeria

Aquatic therapy also known as Hydrotherapy:

This is an ancient method and popular method of treatment in which the physical properties of thermal water immersion are utilized to gain relaxation and pain relief. The buoyancy of water may be used to assist or resist joint movements as well as minimizing the compressive forces of gravity.

Several musculoskeletal conditions such as back pain, aching joints, muscular pain and fatigue, joint stiffness, cramps or tension, insomnia and neurological conditions would benefit immensely from hydrotherapy.

A: pain relief – aquatic therapy stimulates the body endorphins which in turn helps you to control pain and alleviate tension. The warmth of the water helps your muscle to relax, reduce swelling and pain with subsequent increase range of movement at the joint.

B: stress – Stress related illnesses can trigger a wide range of physical and psychological problems. Being under stress can adversely affect your immune system and can cause increase in blood pressure and pulse rate. Regular hydrotherapy treatments can slow down the process of stress reaction.

C: circulation – Good circulation brings the benefit of good lymph drainage which helps to clear the body of toxins. Hydrotherapy improves blood flow which in turn takes oxygen and nourishment to all your cells and tissues and promotes regular detoxing.

At Astella Clinics, well structured one–to–one and group hydro pool programme, specifically designed by our hydrotherapy specialist physiotherapist, utilizing the properties of water will be used to maximise your return to full functions.

If you are interested in one of our services, need more information on a condition we treat or simply want to book an appointment then please call us on 0809 803 4000 / 0809 803 7000 or email us at for more information.

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